From Egg to Butterfly: The Story of a Very Hungry Caterpillar

Very Hungry caterpillar Story

The story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar begins with a little egg resting on a leaf in the light of the moon. One Sunday morning, the warm sun rises and out of the egg comes a small, very hungry caterpillar.

As the week goes on, the caterpillar eats through an increasing amount of fruit, but is still not satisfied. On Monday, he eats one apple. On Tuesday, he eats two pears. On Wednesday, he eats three plums. On Thursday, he eats four strawberries. And on Friday, he eats five oranges.

Finally, on Saturday, the caterpillar eats an excessive amount of food, including a piece of chocolate cake, an ice cream cone, a pickle, a slice of Swiss cheese, a slice of salami, a lollipop, a piece of cherry pie, a sausage, a cupcake, and a slice of watermelon. That night, he has a stomachache.

The next day, Sunday, the caterpillar eats one green leaf and feels much better. He is no longer hungry and has grown into a big, fat caterpillar. He builds a small cocoon around himself and stays inside for more than two weeks. Eventually, he nibbles a hole in the cocoon and pushes his way out. He emerges as a beautiful butterfly, ready to fly and explore the world.

Moral: The journey of growth and self-discovery can be difficult but ultimately leads to something beautiful and amazing


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