The Magic Cooking Pot Story| Classic Bedtime Stories for Kids

The Magic Cooking Pot Story

A little girl lives with her mother. They have no money and they’re very hungry.

‘Oh, Mommy!’ says the little girl. ‘I’m hungry, hungry, hungry!’

But there is no food in the house.‘Oh, I’m hungry, hungry, hungry, I want some thing to eat!’ The little girl sits down and cries.

But look! Who’s this? It’s an old lady. An old, old lady.‘Don’t cry!’ she says.

The Magic Cooking Pot Story
Classic Bedtime Stories for Kids

‘I must cry,’ says the little girl. ‘I’m hungry.’‘Don’t cry,’ says the old woman. ‘Look! You can have this.’

‘What is it?’ says the little girl.‘It’s a magic cooking pot,’ says the old lady.

‘Cook, little pot, cook!’ says the old lady. And the pot cooks. It cooks good hot porridge.

‘Oh!’ says the little girl. ‘Oh! Oh! Oh!’‘Wait!’ says the old lady. ‘First the pot must stop.

’Then she says to the pot, ‘Stop, little pot, stop!’The pot stops.‘Now you can eat,’ says the old lady.

‘It’s very good!’ says the little girl. ‘It’s tasty!’

“You can have this pot,’ says the old lady. ‘When you want to eat, you say, “Cook, little pot, cook!” And the pot cooks. Then say, “Stop, little pot, stop!” And you can eat the porridge.’

‘Thank you!’ says the little girl.The little girl ran to home.‘Look, Mommy! It’s a magic cooking pot!’

‘Cook, little pot, cook!’ says the little girl. And the pot cooks nice hot porridge.‘Oh,’ says the mother. ‘Oh! Oh! Oh!’‘Wait, Mommy!’ says the little girl. ‘Stop, little pot, stop!’ she says. And the pot stops.“Now you can eat,’ says the little girl.

‘It’s very good,’ says her mother. ‘It’s yummy!’

The little girl and her mother eat porridge each and every day. They aren’t hungry any more. They have a magic cooking pot. ‘You’re a very good little magic cooking pot!’’ says the girl.

One day the little girl goes out. She goes out to play.‘See you later, Mommy!’ she says. The little girl’s out for a long time.

‘l’m hungry,’ says her mommy. ‘I want some nice porridge.’‘But what do I say?’ she says. ‘Oh yes! Cook, little pot, cook!’The pot cooks. It cooks nice hot porridge.‘Oh good!’ says the mommy. But she does not say, ‘Stop, little pot, stop!’So the magic cooking pot cooks and cooks. It cooks more and more porridge.‘Oh no’ says the mother.

‘What do I say? Please stop, little pot! Please!’Please stop, little pot!

But she doesn’t say the correct words. So the magic cooking pot doesn’t stop.‘Stop! Stop!’ says the mother.

‘Stop it now!’But the pot does not stop. It makes more and more and more porridge. “Oh no!’ says the mother. ‘Help!’ ;‘Help!’ says the mother. ‘I can’t stop this pot.’

Two men come to help her.‘Stop it, pot!’ they say. ‘Stop it right now!’But they don’t say the proper words. So the magic cooking pot doesn’t stop. It makes more porridge. More and more and more porridge.

Then the mother sees the little girl.‘Quick!’ she says. ‘Tell this pot to stop!’‘Stop, little pot, stop!’ says the girl.And the pot stops. At last the pot stops.

‘It’s a very good little pot,’ says the girl. ‘It does exactly what you say. But you must say the correct words!’



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