The Little Red Hen Short Story with Moral | Very Short Stories with Moral

little red hen short story with moral
little red hen short story with moral

The Little Red Hen lived on a farm with her friends: a sleepy, sleepy dog, a lazy,lazy cat, and a pretty, pretty duck. One day, she found some seeds under a big tree.

little red hen short story with moral
little red hen short story with moral

She thought, “Hmmmm, maybe if i plant these seeds, they can grow into wheat. Then, i can make bread for me and my best friends! ”

“Who can help me to plant the seeds?” asked the Little Red Hen,

“Not Me,” barked the sleepy dog. “Not Me,” purred the lazy cat. ‘Not Me,” quacked the pretty duck. “But I will” said the Little Red Hen, and she did.

When the seeds had grown into golden whedi, the Little Red Hen asked, “Who can help me to cut the wheat?”

“Not Me,” barked the sleepy dog. “Not Me,” purred the lazy cat. “Not Me,” quacked the pretty duck. “Then, I will do it myself!” said the Little Red Hen, and she did.

When the Little Red Hen had cut all the wheat, she asked her friends, “Who can help me take the wheat to the mill?”

“Not Me,” barked the sleepy dog. “Not me,” purred the lazy cat. “Not Me,” quacked the pretty duck. “All right, I will do it myself!” said the Little Red Hen, and she did.

When the Litthe Red Hen came back from the mill with the wheat ground into flour, she asked, “Who can help me bake the bread?”

“Not Me,” barked the sleepy dog.“Not Me,” purred the lazy cat. “Not Me,” quacked the pretty duck. “Oh fine, I will do it myself!” said the Little Red Hen, and she did.

When the tasty yummy bread was finished, the Little Red Hen asked, “Who will help me eat the bread?” “I can” barked the sleepy dog, purred the lazy cat, and quacked the pretty duck at the same time. “No! Thanks” said the Little Red Hen. “I will do it myself!” and she did.


  1. Hi Aisha,
    I love these stories. I would love to use them with my students in their language development while also teaching them good morals . I teach through zoom using share screen. I would copy the pictures and match them to the text on each slide to read the story with my online students. I ‘d like to learn about your copyright privacy and how you’d like your stories and graphics be used appropriately.

    Thank you,


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