Snow White and Rose Red Short Story

Snow White and Rose Red Short Story
Snow White and Rose Red Story Summary

Snow White and Rose Red Story Summary:

This is the story of Snow White and Rose Red – two little sisters who encounter a friendly bear and a ungrateful dwarf.

Once upon a time, in a beautiful cottage resided a mother with two daughters. They were poor, but lived very cheerfully. The girls dearly loved their mother and cared for her. They cleaned the house and kept it dazzling clean at all times.

The house had a lovely backyard, which had two rose bushes. One rose bush bore white roses. The girl who looked after it was called Snow White, and the other rose bush carry red roses, therefore the girl who looked after it was called Rose Red.

Snow White and Rose Red Short Story
Snow White and Rose Red Story Summary

One cold winter night, they heard a knock on the door. “Some wanderer should have got caught in the storm and might be looking for shelter, ” said Rose Red.

When she opened the door, she screamed to find a big, grizzly bear standing in front of her. Before she could close the door in panic, the bear spoke, “I will not do you any damage! Just lookin for to keep heated by the fire for some hours readfully cold! “

The kind girls and their mother allow him to in. The bear did as he said. After a few hours, he left the house for the forest. But , he returned the following day. Shortly the bear was a regular guest to the house. The family would wait for him.

One day, the bear sprung big surprise by saying, “I will have to leave now. I have to go and protect my treasure in summer season. In winter, the wicked dwarf could not reach it due to the snowfall, but when the snow dissolves, he will loot my treasure. “

Snow White and Rose Red were unhappy to see their buddy go away, but believed that he will be back next winter season.

One evening, as they were coming back with a bag of fruits from the forest, they saw a dwarf with his beard trapped in the branches of a shrub. “Why don’t you come and help me? ” he asked crossly. Snow White took out the scissors she usually carried, and snipped the beard off. But the evil dwarf scolded her!

“Is this what you call help? Cutting my lovely beard off? ” he cried. The girls were surprised to see that he barely knew how to repay their kindness. This was not the first of such unusual encounters with the dwarf. The girls had many over the following couple of days. They saved his beard from being eaten up by a large fish. They saved him from being caught up by a big bird of prey.

However , the rude or obnoxious dwarf never once thanked the girls. He often identified some mistake in the manner they had rescued him. One day, as the girls were wandering in the forest, they noticed the dwarf sitting under a tree and looking at some jewels in a sack. As soon as the dwarf saw the girls, he started scolding them for their bad behavior.

“Have you now come to tear my sack? ” he asked them. Before he could say anything more, a huge bear arrived from behind the trees and gave him a sound blow with his paw.

And then the bear pulled the sack of gems away from the dwarf. The minute the bear touched the jewels, his bear-skin fell off like magic. And, there stood a good looking young prince instead of the wild bear!

Snow White and Rose Red were cheerily shocked. The dwarf had cast a spell on the royal prince, and the minute he touched the gems, the magic spell had broken. The prince was overjoyed!

The next evening, the mother and two daughters had two guests. The prince and his brother! They requested the mother’s permission and married her daughters. The princes and their wives lived happily in their palace with the mother of the girls—all since they had been kind to another being on that cold, winter night!




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