The Ugly Duckling Story

The Ugly Duckling Story : A Heartwarming Story of Self-Acceptance and Inner Beauty

Ugly Duckling Story Summary In a sun-dappled farmyard, amidst a gaggle of fluffy ducklings, hatched one peculiar creature. Unlike his siblings, whose down shimmered a vibrant yellow, this little one sported feathers of an awkward grey, earning him the unfortunate nickname “Ugly.” Despite his attempts to fit in, taunts and rejection followed him around the

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The Selfish Giant Story

The Selfish Giant Story

A group of children would play in the garden belonging to a giant every day after school. One day, the giant comes back home from a seven year visit to his close friend, a Cornish ogre. Frustrated at finding the kids trespassing, he chases them out and proceeds to construct a wall around his garden.

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The Frog Prince Story

The Frog Prince Story

Once upon a time, far, far away, there lived a king who had a beautiful daughter who was a princess. They lives in a castle surrounded by a large forest. For her birthday one year, the king gave her a golden ball as a present. In the middle of the forest there was a very

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