little red riding hood story - Classic Fairy Tales For Kids
Classic Fairy Tales For Kids - little red riding hood story -


LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD Once upon a time, there lived a little girl in a small small town close to a forest. She was so kind and pretty that she was popular with everyone in the village.

The little girl’s grandmother, who resided at the edge of the forest, loved her very very much. On her birthday, the old lady presented her a red velvet coat with a hood.

When ever the girl went out dressed in the red velvet overcoat along with the hood that her grandma had presented her, people in the town called her Little Red Riding Hood. In due course of time, it has become a common name for her.

Now, the girl’s grandmother all of a sudden fell sick. So Red Riding Hood’s mom asked her to go to her grandma with a basket of food. While giving her the basket, she informed her, “Don’t speak with any stranger on the way. ” “I’ll be careful, mommy, ” Red Riding Hood responded and waved her mother good-bye.

little red riding hood story - Classic Fairy Tales For Kids
Classic Fairy Tales For Kids – little red riding hood story –

When Red Riding Hood entered the forest, a sly wolf chanced to see her. Finding her alone, the wolf chalked out a great plan to feast on her soft flesh.

The wolf followed Red Riding Hood until she got to the middle of the forest. A wood-cutter who had been cutting wood there, noticed the wolf and sensed his evil plan.

Little Red Riding Hood was wandering across the path in the warm sun when she listened to a voice calling out to her, “Where are you going so fast, Little Red Riding Hood? ” It was the sly wolf’s voice indeed.

“I’m on my way to see my grandmother. She is not keeping well, ” answered Red Riding Hood. ” Where does she reside? ” questioned the wolf. The girl pointed to the way and innocently replied, “There at the edge of the forest. “

The clever wolf’s mouth watered listening to the girl’s grandma. He chose to consume the old lady ahead of girl could reach her. “How delighted your grandmother shall be, if you take some blossoms for her! ” said the wolf in a pleasant tone.

“A great idea! ” stated Little Red Riding Hood and she gone off the route to collect some flowers. Seeing her busy picking flowers, the wolf went to the grandma’s home just before her.

The wolf took a short cut and reached the grandma’s appartement. “I’m going to have a feast right now. First, I will gobble up the grandma and then Red Riding Hood, ” mused the sly wolf.

Waiting around for a few momemts, the wolf looked close to to ensure that no one might be there for helping the old lady when he fell upon her.

Making sure that nobody was any where around, the wolf knocked gently at the front door with his paw expecting the old lady to open the door.

“Who’s there? ” the old lady called out from inside the cottage. The wolf modified his voice and said, “It’s I, Little Red Riding Hood, Grandmother! “

As soon as the old lady opened the door, the wolf pounced on her and gobbled her up.

Then, the wolf immediately dressed in the grandma’s outfits and her nightcap over his head. Losing no time, he got into her bed and anxiously waited for Little Red Riding Hood to come.

A couple of minutes later, Red Riding Hood arrived at her grandma’s appartement. But she was shocked to see the door wide open. She went inside quietly lest the grandmother should wake up.

Little Red Riding Hood set the dinner table with eatables that her mommy had given her for the grandma. She also organized the blossoms that she had gathered on her way, in the vase. The wolf kept looking at her closely.

Little Red Riding Hood said to herself, “Why did not my grandmother welcome me? ” So she tiptoed to the grandma’s bed and was surprised to see her transformed all over.

Looking at the big eyes and ears, Little Red Riding Hood asked in wonder, “How big your eyes and ears are, Grandma! ”

“To see your beautiful face and to hear you better, my dear, ” responded the wolf imitating her grandma’s tone of voice.

“0 Grandmother, what big arms you’ve got! ” gasped Little Red Riding Hood. “To hug you with in an easier way! ” cried the wolf.

Saying so , the sly wolf jumped out of the bed. Realizing his wicked intentions, Little Red Riding Hood yelled as loudly as she could, “Help! Wool… f! “. But her shouts vanished into the wolf’s belly as he pounced on her very quickly and gobbled her up in a single gulp.

Feeling full and weighty, the wolf moved his paw over his tummy in full satisfaction and got into the bed once again. Within a minute, he fell quick asleep snoring hard.

Fortunately, a hunter who was passing by the cottage had heard Little Red Riding Hood’s shouts. So he, together with his dog, arrived and found the wolf sleeping fast with his bloated belly.

The hunter followed the entire matter. Taking a set of scissors, he without delay cut open the wolf’s tummy and out came Little Red Riding Hood.

“Get my grandma also out, uncle! ” said Red Riding Hood to the hunter who cut the wolf’s belly even further. Out jumped the old grandmother as well. As for the wolf, he continued to be lost in sound sleep all this whilst.

Little Red Riding Hood appreciated her grandma adoringly and the old lady requested her to get some pebbles. The girl went out with the hunter’s dog and collected a heap of stones.

The hunter filled the wolf’s tummy with pebbles and the grandmother lost almost no time to sew it back with her needle.

Now, all of them hid right behind a bush watching for the wolf to get up. In a short time, the wolf opened his eyes. As he tried to move, he told himself, “My belly appears to be very heavy. “

Feeling thirsty, the wolf pulled himself out of the appartement and holding his tummy with his paws got to a close by well. When he attempted to put a bucket inside the well, he lost his balance and fell into the well.

All the three were very happy to see the evil wolf drowned dead. They had a great lunch time and a long chat.

Little Red Riding Hood together with the hunter and his dog, waved good-bye to her grandma. Before departing, she assured her grandmother that she would neither talk to any stranger nor step off the route.



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