The Blue Jackal Story | Panchatantra Stories

The Blue Jackal Story
English Short Stories with Moral
The Blue Jackal Story
Very Short Stories with Moral

Once upon a time there was a jackal who has been more adventurous and frequently strayed into the village looking for food. The Village was filled with dogs and the jackal was scared of them. They were sure to kill him or harm him badly if they ever managed to capture him. But the attraction of food proved too strong for him and the jackal traveled to the city time and again.

One day just as he was going to enter a big house he heard the sound of noisy barking. To his horror he did find a gang of dogs running towards house. They looked violent and the jackal was soon shaking in panic. He ran willy-nilly and tumbled right inside a tub of blue dye. The dogs skipped him and ran another way. By the time the jackal climbed out of the tub he was dyed blue from head to toe.

He appeared really unusual and completely different from any other animal. The jackal was pleased. “No one will be able to recognize me now” he told himself, “I could easily fool anyone in the jungle. “

When he entered the forest once again everybody was shocked to see such a weird animal. There had never seen any animal of that colour before.

“Who are you? ” the smaller animals asked him.

“Where have you come from?” asked the mighty lion with a frown.

“Did anyone send you? ” questioned the fierce tiger giving him an enthusiastic look.

“God has sent me to look after you” said the blue jackal in a huge voice, “I’ll be your king from now on. “

“But I have always been the king of the forest” protested the mighty lion.

“All that must change now as I am the king” said the blue jackal enjoying himself, “all of you must serve me and do exactly as I tell you.”

“What if we don’t?” asked the tiger.

“Then God will demolish the whole forest and all of you with it” said the blue jackal.

Other animals did not dare to say anything more.

“What would you like us to do?” they asked the blue jackal.

“Bring me lots of food, to start with” said the blue jackal promptly.

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All the animals rushed off in various directions. In a short time they were back with lots of food. They took care to bring anything they could find and offered the best of everything to the blue jackal.

The jackal was delighted and had his fill. Obviously, there was much more food than he could eat. “Now everybody can eat up the rest of the food” he said, “But mind you, you have to bring me fresh food daily. “

The animals assured to serve him faithfully. He designated special responsibilities to all the animals but banished the pack of jackals from the forest because he was reluctant they could identify him some day.

The blue jackal had an awesome moment afterward. He did not need to leave the forest or risk facing the dogs and now got the very best of every thing without doing anything. He laughed by himself every time he remembered exactly how smartly he had fooled the lot – including the tiger, the mighty elephant and the lion who regarded themselves too grand for words.

But one day some thing unpredicted happened. The banned pack of jackals was walking around just outside the forest and howled collectively loudly. The blue jackal forgot himself and joined them the howling just as he used to do before.

The other animals were present when it took place and looked at him incredulously. Here was their mighty blue king howling like a jackal! So he was a jackal after all and not an unusual animal sent from paradise! He had simply coloured himself somehow and had been fooling all of them these days! Fooling the lion king, the tough tiger and powerful elephant!

They were not going to be tricked anymore. They fell upon the blue jackal and destroyed him before he could clarify or even protest. And that was the end of the blue jackal’s rule as king!

 Very Short Stories with Morals: “Be your self and believe in yourself”.


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